Agravaine Snow

Erring, Wandering, Strayed

"War, where the only victor is Death, and the spoils of victory are sorrow and heartache, is a bitter and cruel master, whose embrace brings naught but agony and despair to those who dare to court her favor."

All are undeserving of pain

The Face Behind the Mask

"A life spent helping others is a life well-lived."

Forsooth, he doth believe that true strength cometh not from the steel in one's hand, but from the steel in one's soul. He doth train and practice relentlessly, honing his body and mind to their utmost potential, seeking ever to improve and grow in his craft. His will is unbreakable, and his determination is an inspiration to all who behold him.A sense of unease when I gaze upon this metal face, as though it were a living thing, watching and waiting for some unsuspecting prey. What manner of person would don such a mask, and what secrets doth it conceal?

What Maketh the Man

"No man is free who is not a master of himself."

( Basics ) 
alignmentLawful Good⊹
( Appearance ) 
eyesHazel, nearing brown, obscured by the metal that covers his skin
skinOlive in colour, rugged to the touch.
hairDark brown, longish in nature, but near the neck, an undercut.
body5'6", not very threatening. Broad shoulders, but not impressive.
voiceWarm, yet slightly coarse. Calming to most.
( Traits ) 
sereneA stillness within, Serene and at peace, A heart at ease.
humanitarianSoft heart, gentle touch, Compassion a steady crutch.
trustingOpen heart, pure intent, Trusting soul, no lament.
temperateModeration, peace within, A tranquil soul, free from sin.
justRighteousness, a noble trait, Fairness for all, a balanced fate.
( Skills )  
StealthLevel I25 + Dexterity
SKILL NAMELevel I (Racial Trait)---------
( Events ) 
Name of EventDescription & Date
Name of EventDescription & Date
Name of EventDescription & Date

Who He Knows, How He Knows

"You have no Enemies. Nobody has them."

Alistair Rivers

Younger Brother. Soul assisted, sailor of might. Helpful.


Audrick-Heinrich Stone

Older Brother. Past shared, experiences had. Reliable hand.



Innocent, maybe gullible. A friend, unique in her approach. She grows ever closer, bond deepens, morals meld.



Interesting, respectable figure. A close eye, maybe a closed fist, we'll see who gets the Captain.





What the Man Owns

"Nothing can be so perfect while we possess it as it will seem when remembered."

Buckler Shield

A broad piece of oak, accentuated with iron, held by a singular strap on its back and held for defense.Dice: 1d6 + 5 bludgeoning damage